Save the date cards are important because you have to set the date of your event and make sure people know about it. If you are planning an event, the first thing you should do is send out save-the-date cards so that your guests know when to expect it, and that they don’t forget about it! And here are three reasons why save the date cards are so important.
1. You’re having a destination wedding
Planning a destination wedding can be tough. One of the best ways to ensure that you have time to plan and connect with your soon-to-be spouse is to send out simple save-the-dates. These little messages let family and friends know of your upcoming nuptials.
Send them well in advance so they have time to book their travel arrangements, or give them a heads up if there’s something they need to do before the big day. Designate how much people should contribute. They may not feel as committed to attending because they didn’t pay anything upfront, but it’ll make it easier for them when it comes time for payment.
It also eliminates the awkward moment when someone who contributed nothing shows up to an event expecting an expensive gift for attending. Plus, you won’t receive any surprise guests. You don’t want anyone coming late to your wedding because they decided to show up at the last minute. Once you set a limit on contributions, there will be no surprises.
And once you’ve set this limit, it doesn’t matter what happens with the guest list – there are certain things that are better left unsaid and some things we just don’t think about until we’re doing our wedding planning. For example, did you consider where your siblings’ spouses would sit? We forgot to put any thought into this and then we were faced with a crisis where all of our other siblings had different partners.
Letting everyone know ahead of time saves a lot of headaches later on. Another thing you might want to include in your save our date postcards is instructions for attire during the ceremony and reception. If you’re having a religious ceremony, mention which dress code (or lack thereof) applies to those who wish to come; otherwise it could lead to more confusion than necessary.
2. You get more time to send invites
That’s right- you’ll have an extra six months to send out invitations to your dream wedding thanks to saving the date cards. Not only that, but they give you more time to shop for dresses and decide on a venue.
And who doesn’t want more time to plan their perfect day? Guests can bring gifts: If you don’t feel like asking your guests for gift contributions in person, these save-the-date cards are another opportunity to remind them.
You can even attach a card with instructions on how to buy something if they’re not sure what to get. Even if you do already know what people are getting you, this is still helpful! You don’t have to worry about forgetting important dates:
When it comes down to it, there’s no substitute for save-the-date cards when it comes to remembering important dates. It takes care of any confusion or miscommunication with regard to when your event is taking place and gives people plenty of time to prepare accordingly. They also allow your guests to ask questions about the event and make travel arrangements ahead of time.
They’re great for planning since they let you be as detailed as possible without having to contact people individually. They also serve as a reminder so that nobody has to rely on their memory alone. Plus, it’s super easy to keep track of responses. One less thing to worry about when planning your big day.
3. Guests get advance notice on the date
If you have ever been to a wedding and thought, wow, I had no idea the date was coming up! this is your chance. Guests get advance notice on the date and can choose to RSVP earlier in order to be included in the festivities.
Second, guests know when they should start making travel arrangements. Third, couples can share their plans with family members who may not otherwise be able to attend the event. Imagine how happy grandma will be to see that she can plan her trip well in advance so she won’t miss out on her only grandson’s big day.
That is just one example of why save-the-date cards are so important – especially for those loved ones who live far away. It also lets them know exactly what to expect as soon as possible. For example, if the couple has opted for an outdoor ceremony on a summer evening, knowing that two months before could help those farther away find accommodations sooner rather than later.
They might even be able to book transportation or hotels now too. It also prevents any surprises or last-minute changes – such as finding out at the last minute that Aunt May couldn’t make it after all because she didn’t receive an invitation until much later in the game.